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My Research on Crypto Not Financial Advice

Section 0 Introduction


My Crypto Research

This is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. This is simply a recollection of an anecdotal experience. I am not endorsed by nor an employee of any of the companies or organizations mentioned on this article.

These notes were take while studying Crypto.

This is not meant to be a ‘get rich quick’ guide. This only shows my limited experience in a volatile marketplace. I have evaluated the risks, and have decided to take them on. You must decide if you should take a risk or not.

Please invest at your own risk.

Welcome to the market that never sleeps.

Section 1 Brief Vocabulary Refresher

Market Terms

Types of Markets

Mining Terms

Crypto Terms

Section 2 Vision and History of Crypto

“Each and every one of us is entitled to and deserves

 an economic identity.

It has been taken from us.

It’s been taken by banks, and politicians

manipulated by bureaucrats

and market places we have no control over.

That’s the world we inherited, we were born into.

But this industry is about making sure

that the world we die in

and our children inherit

is very different”.

-Charles Hoskinson (Cardano)

Timeline Before Bitcoin

1983 David Chom publishes research at Berkley about a decentralized digital cash system.

1989 DigiCash is Founded by David Chom 

1990s Credit Cards Accepted Online


1996 Douglas Jackson and Barry Downey Found E-Gold

1997 NSA researchers write a paper about a decentralized payment system

1998 Paypal is founded by Elon Musk et al

1998 Nick Szabo writes about BitGold, Introduces Smart Contracts

1998 Wei Dai publishes b-money an anonymous distributed electronic cash system

2002 Digicash Declares Bankruptcy

Timeline of Bitcoin

2008 Global Financial Crisis

2008 Satoshi Nakamoto publishes Bitcoin and Introduces BlockChain

2009 Genesis Block is published

2010 First Bitcoin Purchase

2010 Bitcoin Market Cap reaches 1 Million Dollars

2010 First Mobile Transaction

2011 Silk Road Accepts Bitcoin

2011 WikiLeaks Accepts Bitcoin

2011 Price of Bitcoin reaches $1

2011 Litecoin Appears

2012 Wordpress Accepts Bitcoin

2012 Bitcoin mining rewards halved

2013 First Bitcoin ATM

2013 Bitcoin Market Cap reaches 1 Billion Dollars

2014 Tether is Founded by Brock Pierce et al

2015 NYSE invests in Coinbase

2015 Ethereum is Founded by Vitalik Buterin et al

2016 Bitcoin mining rewards halved

2017 Bitcoin exceeds the price of Gold

2017 Crypto Currency Market Cap reaches 800 Billion Dollars

2017 Polygon is Founded by Anurag Arjun et al

2017 Cardano is Founded by Charles Hoskinson et al

2017 Algorand is Founded by Silvio Micali et al

2020 Bitcoin mining rewards halved

2021 July Ethereum Burn Engine Patch

Understanding How Bitcoin Works


Section 3 Personal Strategies

My position on Crypto is extremely bullish and is reflected in my researched portfolios and investment strategies.

I believe that with the widespread adoption of crypto and with multiple projects supporting the development of new software running off the blockchain, the demand for crypto will only increase in the future.

As financial institutions and key players move their assets into crypto, the market will stabilize and find an equilibrium.

“Be fearful when others are greedy,
be greedy when others are fearful”.
-Warren Buffet

Example of a Market Analysis Video


Section 4 Mining and Staking Crypto

Mining and Staking are low risk ways to earn small gains in crypto.

With significant barriers to entry, these are no means risk free.

Mining requires power and expensive equipment.

Staking requires a large initial investment.

Both are susceptible to the whims of the market.

Mining With lolminer


Mining With Nicehash


Section 5 Lending Liquidity

Staking your crypto to lend liquidity can be extremely profitable.

It can allow you to stake tokens that are usually POW.

Be careful when choosing a service other than the ones listed here because this protocol is notorious for scams.

To be safe, I would go with a protocol that has a high market cap or backed by a trustworthy financial institution.

Anecdotal Information on Crypto Passive Income


Section 6 Creating a Crypto Investment Portfolio

Finding the portfolio that is right for you is the first step in assessing risk.

Below are some helpful guidelines and tips.

General Example of Portfolio Building


Section 7 Trading for Tokens

In this section, we will speak about trading as a means of acquiring tokens on an exchange. 

Trading strategies are outlined in the video below.

“Buy when there’s blood in the streets
even if the blood is your own”.
-Baron Rothschild

Learn How To Properly Trade Options


Section 8 Wallets

Over the course of your crypto career, you’ll find that you will have more wallets than you can keep track of. 

The only wallets I would seek are ones with high APY when staking their native coin.

Otherwise, I would just use what you need to be compatible to your tokens.

There is no need to go out and make a bunch of wallets.

Transferring between wallets will incur transaction fees.

Section 9 Exchange Platforms

It really does not matter which platform you choose to conduct your trading.

Find the exchange that trades the tokens you want.

Binance is the largest Crypto Exchange Market.

I like low fees and the backing of the NYSE. 

Therefore, my recommendation is Coinbase Pro.

Section 10 Tokens

There are a few things to look for in a token. 

The first is its functionality. How will this token gain value?

Looking at the market cap can give you an idea if you should invest or not.

Is it too late? Or are you just early enough?

Will the token moonshot? Or is it a token based on hype?

Every token should be assessed for its risk and purchased accordingly.

My Current Favorites I Believe in These Tokens

Safe Bets They Might Go Up

Stable Coins These Tokens are always = $1

Meme Coins Moonshot Maybe? Invest at your own risk. I wouldn't.

Controversial Tokens Yeah, lets not. For now...

Level 7 Crypto Ledger

Level up your Crypto Ledger by tracking your purchases and sales for Uncle Sam.

DCA calculator included.